Meeting Developmental Milestones Early Doesn’t Always Predict Success
Developmental milestones help us understand when a child needs help, but meeting them early doesn’t necessarily predict long-term success
There is a lot of parenting advice out there. Scientific American wants to wade through it and give you the most current, rigorous evidence to help you make the best decisions
Oleg Breslavtsev/Getty Images
Meeting Developmental Milestones Early Doesn’t Always Predict Success
Developmental milestones help us understand when a child needs help, but meeting them early doesn’t necessarily predict long-term success
There Are Safer Ways to Bed-Share with a Baby
For some parents, bed-sharing is the only way their baby can sleep. Rather than talking to parents about how to do it safely, we try to pretend it doesn’t exist
How Parents Can Heal Rifts with Their Adult Children
Repairing a broken parent-adult child relationship is possible if both sides approach it earnestly and honestly
Does My Child Have a Speech Delay?
It’s hard to know whether a toddler needs help with early speech. Here are some tips and guidelines
Why You Should Listen when Your Child Cries ‘Not Fair!’
Children need patient adults and lots of practice to understand fairness, justice and equality
The Science of Parenting
Scientific American is launching a new column about parenting to evaluate the staggering amount of information available and the evidence behind it